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It was never about saving Ukraine from Russia, it's about 12 trillion in resources.

Published on 11 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

A tale as old as time. Once again the warpigs head us in to war for money to line their greedy little pockets.

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mrghoster 1 month ago

Well the last comment wasn't my last comment! lol! Just had a thought about Feminism and what is being talked about here? what if this Masculization of women is a ploy to get the to fight? They are lavishing women with everything and more, so what's the CATCH? Could it be although risky that the overly populated fefail population's go and fight and the rejected MEN will work and keep the home fires burning so to speak? If this has the same effect that women working had in WW2 we could see the MALE become dominant again? women will be slaughtered thus reducing the problem and feminism can finally DIE? and MEN will come out of the post war factories and utilities vindicated as MEN again? just a thought, as it stands currently women are pathetic waste's of time and would make great CANNON FODDER, especially the Land whale's, can you imagine all that fighting BLUBBER! lol! Yeh lower the force's standards, bring in women on mass (controlled by MALE Officers naturally), get the CUNT's to a basic fighting point and they will pretty much match all those POOR kids in the 60's that died in vain and lost their childhood in Vietnam?

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mrghoster 1 month ago

A final word on the WAR thing - There is no way the WEST will get their peoples to fight, because people may be dumb but they know when they have been screwed over and are not playing the corrupt game anymore, so let's use useless scum bag's that have more in common with the war zone because they came from a similar background?

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Toki 1 month ago

Don't underestimate a simp who's desperate to get laid by joining the Gov mafia. I just hope they all die. People act like these men dying is such a bad thing. It's Darwinism of compliance. If you submit to a corrupt authority of Gov you deserve to die due to low IQ. I just hope they Draft welfare sponge people like Ninja Fortnite guy the unemployed manchild. Or Tim Pool.

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deathdealer 1 month ago

They reinstated the draft because they know that no sane man is going to fight for the corrupt communist societies that the west has become. If there is a general non compliance they may instate that young women are eligible for the draft. If that happens feminism and its feminazis will die.

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mrghoster 1 month ago

You made an interesting point I had not exactly thought of before? These Rubber Boat Men (and only MEN) , are being collected and put in 5 star hotels given money, car's free drivers licenses without a test, but it all seems to be WHY? Well the reason is possibly they are the Cannon Fodder for whatever is coming? People have been thinking that it's an army that will take over Britain? Nope it's an army being pleasured and mollycoddled in readiness to earn that privilege when they will be sent to Ukraine or wherever the government chose in the world. Sending Gen "z" will simple be total slaughter, so they attract outsiders with a shitty attitude for their country of origin, you spoil them beyond belief, then tell them they have to pay for that privilege now? This I think is the future of "Boots on the ground" War, take worthless aggressive psychopath's and make them the cannon Fodder. It ALL makes perfect sense looking at it in this different way?

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deathdealer 1 month ago

Or to have these invaders turn on their hosts with government supplied weapons and training. Then turn these new comers into their slaves.

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mrghoster 1 month ago

Ukraine is a THROWAWAY country in all this it's the NEW Vietnam or could be, it's about a game of money laundering and resources, it just happens to be the right playing pitch and when the Elite's have had what they want out of it they will drop Ukraine like a hot potato. History WILL simply repeat itself as always. It's an old GSME that has nothing to do with us yet we get drawn into it and we suffer for it so psychopaths can get even richer with money that isn't REAL anyways and they don't actually need in the first place?

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mrghoster 1 month ago

I think we have been in WW3 now for at least 20 or more years. It's a psychological war, gun's and Tanks are just window dressing. It's the same ol' crap all for money and resources that all those who die died for nothing because those resources are never shared with Us the people's of the world just the coffers of the the already repulsively RICH. Personally I don't care for politic's or war on the simple basis it is ALL one big Lie that I cant believe idiots still fall for? Putin is one of THEM anyway's an actor in as they call it "The Theater of war" no accident it's called that. We are just the Audience that have to watch the show if we like it or not?

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deathdealer 1 month ago

Wars are started to cancel debt; debt that was run up by corrupt governments. There is money in chaos,the armorers of the world get richer. Previously it was Krupp and Vickers and now it is General Dynamics, Grumman, Lockheed etc.

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