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It Begins… Texas Border Battle?Texas Vs Biden Admin over MigrantCrisis Federalizing National Guard

Published on 27 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

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KEEPER 3 months ago  

democrat circular logic, when your argument makes no rational sense, double down on it lol, that guy lying through his teeth, he's no doubt going to be many of the people who will be left hanging off the side of a building like a bag of hammers lol.

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sbseed 3 months ago

mexico, china, the UN/UK/EU but then again i do repeat myself here...

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sbseed 3 months ago

if a actual conflict happens it will be the signal for full outright physical war on the gov. and all those who work for or support it...
and they will lose... there will be millions slaughtered along the way, and there will be groups who try to move in and take control and not just isreal directly anyways.

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KEEPER 3 months ago

I think it's starting to look more and more like that, I have been paying attention to all of these businesses and companies suddenly firing or letting loose every person who works there, not everything, but a fuckload are all being let go, and my thoughts are that we could quite literally be looking forward to some kind of Civil War draft situation sometime soon, so far we're still working somewhat I mean some people are still working and making money for their homes or whatever, but a shitload of jobs are just destroyed out of nowhere, so I'm thinking some kind of draft or Civil War situation is just about to happen, hopefully people got some sense in their heads of what's happening and won't just join idiotic Democrat side, hopefully they'll actually join the side who are actually you know trained with guns actually know how to fucking do shit right.

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KEEPER 3 months ago

Because otherwise they are cannon fodder led to the slaughter.

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sbseed 3 months ago

around 20 million illegals during barracks illegal tenure... now it is bidens illegal tenure, i think the actual numbers so far is around 30-40 million illegals crossed the border....
you know what would REALLY mitigate the problem or you know STOP the problem, lets the bullets fly...

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