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Is She Based or Another Chameleon? | Live From The Lair


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Published on 25 Jan 2023 / In Comedy

As women approach The Wall, they disguise more than their face. This is why dating for men is like Russian Roulette with five of six chambers full.
#TerrencePopp #HiddenFeminist #DatingAdvice

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 1 year ago

If marrying a college educated woman increases likelyhood of divorce 10-15% then first timers go from 52% to 67%, second timers go from 65% to 80% and third timers go from 75% to 90%.

The 80% of divorces instigated by women you used would remain the same.

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bin4ry_d3struct0r 2 years ago

This educational video is about feminist women. Now we need one about the sociopaths -- they are very good at being chameleons.

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Councilof1 2 years ago

Getting a woman to admit she's wrong is very difficult. I've done it once and it took months of bullshit. It's one of the reasons I said fuck it and walked away.

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

Trollopy Von Slatterhorns abound

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

"aposematic" is the word for warning colors on animals and plants

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