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incel supports violence of women

Published on 26 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Shrike777 10 months ago


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sauger1001 10 months ago

3:03. Let me guess: She was Puerto Rican, hot, scantily dressed, with 3 kids (from 3 men), and "loved" being put in her place, right? That's been my experience with many of these "jealous", controlling waah☻️men. I've been goaded into smacking a couple of them who didn't like that they couldn't control me. I just walked away. Lol!

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sauger1001 10 months ago

Shame that Sean Connery is gone. I'm sure Barbara Walters feel the same way.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 10 months ago

@sauger1001: Not only Sean Connery, but John Denver and Yanni have had to throw hands. John Denver was a sweet-wholesome kind of guy, If he had to swing on a bitch, she was more than likely well out of pocket. And Yanni, the greek new-age musician who ruled in the 80s and the 90s also had to smoke a hoe. The thing is this, ass-whoopings dont just fall out of the sky. And women say fucked up shit to men when they're hurt. here in the Pacific North west, all women are feminized and treat men like shit. All you have to do is people-watch. It is so easy to be mgtow up here.

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