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I Have No Telephone!

Published on 27 Oct 2024 / In People & Blogs

I don't have a cellphone OR a landline telephone. I explain why.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

ya, steer clear of law enforcement.. I like the business called LAWN ENFORCEMENT. . lol. .that makes sense.. naa, many people ended up with hassles while thinking they were in the right.. My self righteous fake do-gooder brother for one.. and explaining to me how he was helping someone and the cop arrested him. .lol.. imo he was overzealous.. was not listening.. The cop on the scene is your new boss.. heheh. I just keep my mouth shut and work on my exit plan if they show up.. now they are criminalizing the internet.. back in the day everyone used fake names.. hell I had several yahoo accounts.. I was always like it doesnt matter what my real name is.. why would it matter we have free speech.,. and all you can do is talk online.. keeping myself out of trouble is always on my mind.. There are people on the road instigating problems to make a video they had an idea might go viral.. and some driver reacts.. FORGET IT.. I ran this one foreigner into the back of a chrysler 300 one time.. lol.. he was trying to spit into my window going 45mph. and the car in front of him stopped.. heh.. funniest thing I ever saw.. and I kept going EVERYONE else behind me stopped.. two days later a cop following me in the am.. then broke off while I toed the line.. They should be deporting the fool.. So I always watch my back and assume nothing.. That is always my priority.. health and freedom.. and moolah.. the rest is good enuff.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

just hit the iron tablets.. that makes your blood healthy.. I take them intermittently.. not steady..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

I liked the first joker with phoenix ok.. went to see the 2nd one, Joker Folie a deux , saturday night by myself.. and it is nearing the end of the theater run so I knew the theater would not be crowded.. I did not spend much time researching it.. I always enjoy my own company. .and I like good popcorn. .and the indoor theater atmosphere.. it's kinda a treat.. The day after I saw it , yesterday,, I told people it was like the ending of a depressing movie.. with no ending.. heheheh.. Joaquin Phoenix and lady gaga can sing.. and the folie a deux as in musical follies.. I had no idea.. much of the movie was like a musical... joaquin phoenix thinking he is frank sinatra or something.. .. and CAN sing.. and dance.. so even with what I said about it I am glad I saw it and would watch it again.. disappointing with no happy ending..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

like the Bush family

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

Bush the lesser was the WORST president of my lifetrime. .imo.. open borders while the banks gave out FREEM ONEY to the beners so they could all start making babies to fill our school system here in Florida.. clearly to me part of the assault on American families and to usher in global assimilation into a one world new world order.. So I see the hispanic influx over the last 50 years.. in 100 more years barring something good happening Florida will be a hispanic territory.. with uninhibited flights from south of the border countries.. Some people say there is a paln to turn America into many countries.. divided up.. Wallstreet already too kour manufacture to foreign countries so they could make more p[rofits for themselves while the American people do no have enough money.. part of the reason I liked the first joker movie.. something was being done.. like Trump[ promised during his first run that he did not come through on.. even claiming he fixed America.. from where I was there was no deportations.. Americvans are discriminated against.. how else could they be displaced by immigrants? NOT because they are lazy but because the banks give them huge loans do not m,ake them repay and let them stay in defaulted houses for 7 years while still working in our job market.. yep, America has real problems.. the song and dance on folie a deux was entertaining though.. maybe thats what the movie was about..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

So there it is folks, I just decoded the Joker Folie a deux movie here in real time . , that everyone says they cannot figure out.. here at election time,, It is about the song and dance we get in place of the real thing.. that's gotta be it. I am a proven genius would not surprise me if I am right.. lol

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

the jokes on us

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

maybe when you get your inheritance , you can move to kansas city and adopt a dog. hmm

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

name him Sunbeam man.. heh

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