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I can fill my own cooling - strong - smart - resourceful independent woman - Right - C pinned comment and link

Published on 28 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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clivemcd 2 months ago

Awesome! The strong independent queen gets to flex her strong independence while creating an engine rebuild job for a man. I see nothing wrong in this video. Yay capitalism.

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This could be a prank video - but I am not so sure, as there are many women who really are this stupid....

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These two videos tie in together.

I can fill my own cooling - strong - smart - resourceful independent woman - Right - C pinned comment and link.


Hydrodynamic Bearings - C pinned comment and link.


Why the videos link and why putting a lot of water into the sump of an oil lubricated engine is a BAD thing.

Hydrodymanic Bearings, when designed to use motor oil, are made to be lubricated and run a motor oil film inside them, will not work with water....

The water is very very thin, will not support the load, and the bearings and all the other moving parts will rub together and fail in very short order.....

This guy explains the principles of the hydrodynamic bearing. https://www.mgtow.tv/v/nQqbsb

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It would be nice to follow her around until the engine goes, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bang! - Clatter, Clatter, Clatter".
This is pretty typical of what stupid and arrogant cunts A LOT of women actually ARE.
She is too stupid to READ the owners manual.....
She is too stupid to take "SOLID ADVICE".
And she is so fucking stupid that when the MAN takes the initiative to tell her that pouring water into the oil hole, and into the engine - will fuck the engine... Her only come back is to say, "I have a boyfriend".
She is a fucking idiot.
She is a complete fucking idiot.

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

because she is pouring wather into the oil fill hole and also "has a boyfriend " this means that her "boyfriend " is a fucking too !

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

also i would not assume that she can read and write . she is an american after all .

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@Leader_Desslok: She is clearly a genius....

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sauger1001 2 months ago

What exactly is she doing with a bf? She's obviously an "independent waaahmen, and don't need no man."

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sauger1001 2 months ago

I guess she better put on her heels, 'cause sh!t's about to get real. LMAO!

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@Leader_Desslok: @sauger1001: I went to bed and woke up wondering if it was a parody video...... You know some abandonned junked car and a couple of bottles of tap water... and a few people acting the part..... It's hard to tell - Some women ARE so fucking stupid - it's hard to tell. But she also used that line, "I already have a boyfriend" - which is so profoundly out of context, and that also comes from another video where the people in that were making a comedy video... BUT I have also met plenty of women who really are THAT fucking stupid...

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@sauger1001: I made a new pinned comment and link. ^^^^^^

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@Leader_Desslok: I made a new pinned comment and link. ^^^^^^

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