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Humans cant fly - Russia Darwins

Published on 08 Dec 2023 / In Other

drunk or depressed, we cant fly

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Hmmmm so cheery and life affirming.

I'd like to see you post videos of people doing what it takes to work their way through their issues and to succeed at life...

Some death vid's are OK, but they alone, don't do a lot as far as making the world a better place.

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pathologicalimbicile 8 months ago

My only contribution to maybe someone is a musicvideo Ive just made. when I post it you can speak your opinion about it. Im getting sicker, more messed up and I wonder for how long I can take it. Now Im just trying to do some things on my bucketlist. Im waiting for a package in the mail for my music studio, until that one comes more cheery Darwins are coming.

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@pathologicalimbicile: Death is a part of life.... goes without saying. IF that is ALL you are choosing to focus on, then it's a dark space and a bad choice...... What is your sickness

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pathologicalimbicile 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: yes it is

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@pathologicalimbicile: If you don't want to talk in an open forum - PM and we can chat there...

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pathologicalimbicile 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: oh I misread that last sentence. "what" became to "that" in my head. "that is your sickness" I know im negative. im struggling to write my thoughts cause my head is swirling. last time I had a descent night of good sleep was one night in april 2022. that rots my brain worse than a heavy molly bender. I got MS. i got told i had that desease coming before i felt it. (i was in a psychotic ward were they took MR of my brain. im not schizo but i have a tiny experience of how that can be like. the final trigger for that glitch was zoloft which i should never taken. (fucking stupid arrogant doctors). medium heavy drug abuse from age 15. mental amputation in childhood. my social/ ppl skills suffer. i wwant to talk but its hard. the chronic fatigue .. this tookk me 2 hours to write im about to faint and cry. i need a break

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@pathologicalimbicile: Got a window and or a yard? Grow some herbs in a few pots - like garlic and chillies etc.. It's a nice hobby. Got a cat? Cats are good company. Cheap too if your get their balls cut off or rescue cats from the shelter....

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Terracotta pots are nice - but in a wet climate and in damp areas, e.g. Areas that piss down rain a lot - the UK... In places where it can get DRY and HOT the terracotta is porous and they dry the soil out too fast... Decent plant growing / farming plastic pots are better... https://howtoculinaryherbgarde....n.com/indoor-herb-ga and https://www.pinterest.com.au/p....in/58040147071202409

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@pathologicalimbicile: These rooms are full of neurotic cunts who ought to be shot, and the failure rate is astronomically high, but sometimes the online meetings can be good to tune into.... https://virtual-na.org/marathons/ -------- https://flying-sober.com/24-7-meetings/

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@pathologicalimbicile: If your diet isn't that good, start cleaning it up... dietdoctor.com Piss off the sugar and carbohydrates - nothing fanatical... just slowly transition out of the junk food and into fresh vegetables and some meat and a little cheese and eggs etc.. SUGAR is a bad and addictive thing...

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pathologicalimbicile 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: almost back now. i went to far and stayed there too long

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@pathologicalimbicile: Yeah you dont hear about this, much ever, but SOME of the people from "The Summer of Love" said that free love and lots of drugs and everyone shares, kind of shit, was a HUGE disaster, and the free food kitchens, well that was a trendy idea, but by the time the summer was over, so many people were so burned and really fucked up - they NEEDED the free food. The LSD and weed etc., very bad..... And Cheech and Chong - I have had my go at them, because they were Lying Junky Cunts, they never talked about the damage and all the casualties of the drug culture..... I made this video.... Drugs are REAL Bad Mmm K - And Cheech and Chong were scumbag junkie liars. https://www.mgtow.tv/v/1lZrDy

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pathologicalimbicile 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I have a garden. I thought about it earlier that keep growing it and watch it grow can be a very good thing to do in life. apple trees, currant bushes , raspberry and a hedge ( black surrel ) . i got goofers and deers and once in a while mooses coming to enjoy the snackbar. everything i plant needs to have chickenfence under the ground and over the ground to keep the plants relatively safe. ants, lices and snails can also make some trouble. Point is: I totally agree with growing a garden as a very good thing to care about and do with my life.

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@pathologicalimbicile: Make some videos of some living things..... Add some Nice / Fun / Rocking music........ Make feature products. When the whole world is turning to shit - have some fun... Bill and Ben The Flower Pot Men Cabbages - FULL EPISODE https://www.mgtow.tv/v/nnkopt

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pathologicalimbicile 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: My tiny contribution: https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/alm....aforte-hope-died-las

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@pathologicalimbicile: This is quite good.... I mean dead people are not a bad issue, but wall to wall dead people - There has to be more to life than that.

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These are what I had really intended to show you.. https://www.mgtow.tv/v/ZIBY62 --- https://www.mgtow.tv/v/9svyQQ

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pathologicalimbicile 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: if i had to take total care of myself it would be no1 potatos. turn the lawn inti a potatofield. either with galvanized chicken fence around the plants (goofers) or having a type of crates ( vertical growing ).Potatos can be stored during the long harsh winter. no2 chickens (I need more knowledge of where to get food for them ( in nature) . if i can buy chicken food in a store i guess i can buy food for myself in such a place). no3 firewood. the winter where i live is long, cold and dark. no4 water. there are small rivers/ creeks not far away from where i live so getting water is not a problem. Lots of fish in the ocean around my country and the farmers can grow potatos instead of grain. what if what if, so much can happen. thank goodness i have no kids and im almost ready to die so im not to worried ( or maybe that should worry me lol )

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@pathologicalimbicile: IS that "want to be dead / no one loves me / I can't be fucked living for a future with nothing in it" OR are you genuinely medically fucked and are about to croak it... as a matter of course?

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pathologicalimbicile 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: bits of many things . Im not able to write and explain that mess. Im gonna hook up my guitar and try something. I havent touched the guitar in 6-7 years. wonder how that will feel with a numb fret hand. I got one thing to try to do. maybe it will work!

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@pathologicalimbicile: Good..... You got to live life as is you are valuable and important and that you count for something.... And if your going to leave behind a legacy, a solid memory of sorts, make it a good one....

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pathologicalimbicile 8 months ago

Music: Dvar

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