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How the Sex War Ends

Published on 17 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation
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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Women need attention: they will never live alone away from men. They need to stir up drama for their crazy asses.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Women are full of shit. They were never ever liberated nor desired it. Their hatred for men comes back to The Age of Laws biblically and what Pagans call Age of Ram, after Moses led them out of Egypt and gave them God El of Israel's LAWS, which ironically the Jews couldn't be bothered to follow having written the Talmud as "cheat codes" cheatingvthemselves out of Heaven after death... fucking pedos. Anyways, women hated us for that when God El's Wife The Tree of Life, the Goddess Ashereh, was disbanded and her priestess humiliated. They never forgave men for that for over four millenia... that's why women hate men. Their pussy remembers... and it remembers fucking Fallen Angels pushing out giants, hence their need to be stretched out...the DNA remembers...

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Yeah, but women's stress is self inflicted. However, there is medical tourism... you can still have children overseas and bring the kids back... but the pedos in the nation-state's government will seek and fuck/convert those kids.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Cappy, you think millions of undocumented alien invaders won't cause that lawless collapse? You never been to an active war zone or battle front have you?

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

I predict Fall of Rome... women getting raped and taken as sex slaves or war brides... just saying. Baghdad?

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