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Holy SH_T! Trudeau’s Canada just DOUBLED DOWN on censoring Canadians _ Redacted with Clayton Morris

Published on 03 Mar 2024 / In News & Politics

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Get ready for massive censorship in Canada. A play right out of the WEF playbook happened this week. The Online Harms Bill was in introduced in the house of commons in Canada this week and it's as bad as you think it is.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

The DNA registry started the same way "won't somebody think of the children!" Originally for pedophiles now for anyone who break's a minor law. Like every retarded law ever created here LoL.

It's funny I've read post's all over the net saying Canadians should save Canada. They participated in this farce they can save it themselves. I didn't create or participate in this farce. Good luck to them I wish them the best.

BTW good video.

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I can hardly wait to watch Trudeau and all of his $tooges getting stabbed in the streets and for it to be live streamed....
There must be 50,000,000 people in Canada who want to do this deceitful prick in by now......

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NerokeFive 5 months ago

Trudeau is doing this for ONE reason! He's trying to muzzle his opponents before he has to call an election next year. The moment he tries to get this bill signed into law it'll be met with MULTIPLE legal challenges that'll drive it out of government. That though won't happen until after the 2025 election

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@NerokeFive: I have seen a few videos where the crowd is absolutely outraged at his mere existence - on the earth - amongst them......

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NerokeFive 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I think you've probably seen the video I posted on here where he SNUCK into Alberta did a radio show and then flew out almost immediately rather than meeting with the premiere

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@NerokeFive: I have also posted a few videos of him being surrounded by crowds who are just about to lynch him... him and his scumbag RCMP security guards.......

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