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HMT 328

Published on 21 Oct 2023 / In People & Blogs

It was only a matter of time until this happened. It's on now!!
Search "Man allegedly guns down judge who oversaw his divorce proceedings, manhunt ongoing."

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ArgonRaysabre 9 months ago

I'm just going to say it: I'm glad the judge was gunned down. This is what happens when the system employs skewed divorce laws against men, and I hope more men take matters in their own hands when they have no path to redress of greivance. Fuck the feminist-owned family and divorce courts.

I think Pedro is Spanish for Peter, so we literally have a Pistol-packin' Pete on our hands! *Insert RPM's maniacal laugh*

The wait was long, but sooo worth it.

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Never_Again 9 months ago

07:47 ... ha-ha-Fucking-ha ... 11 hundred bux = whoopie shit <--- in todays' $$ fuck me ...

Try 2 grand per month 4 1 baby girl + 8 hundred per mo 4 bitch support @ 18yo pour-pour boy [me] in 1979 $$ ... To Start. Estate s' 4 both to be neogatiated @ later proceedings & high tech private schools fur both all the way through Univerities, & of course high tech Medical stuff.

ha-ha-ha ... Fuck Dat Shit ... ZERO ... as in $0.00 Never_Ever_Again piss me off. -oh yea, I got Full Custody of all 3 babes as I deem, all 3 mommies, of all 3 States Compliled of course.

I mean WTF ? -man ... I post shit all the time, ya don't read shit.? $$ = Nuttin' ... ever ta do it ...

Just don't ask / rely on me to know anything of Tom-Fucking-Brady type shit. <--- who gives a fuck?

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Never_Again 9 months ago <--- wtf ... huh?

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I stand corrected in the movie batman the dark knight the judge was killed by explosion the police commissioner was poisoned and then in the 3rd movie the mayor is killed by Explosion. If things get even more worse this may soon become a reality.

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This reminds me of the Dark knight movie where the judge gets Poisoned, Blown up or Hanged, Joker was right they get what they deserved and True Justice was Served.

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ExperimentalGroup 9 months ago

More waifu videos.

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Your message I sponsor You can never have enough Waifu videos :D \G/

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