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He proves to women they're running out of time and have a shelf life.

Published on 08 Feb 2023 / In People & Blogs

Leonardo DiCaprio goes viral again - women can't stand men have options and they don't.

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The OLD bitches are howling with resentment...... "It should be ME, ME, ME - not HER, HER, HER!"

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Emre 1 year ago

Germany, a Muslim woman cheats on her husband, she does a gangbang with 5 dudes and her mother with a headscarf protects and helps her. Watch the emotional video with English subtitles.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Women are children? No, most children especially boys are far more responsible than these lying whores. Walk away men: Their heckling is not worth it! Remember: When the whores bitch about how it's for the children, ask her how many abortions she had? It's not for the children: It's for her; she's just hiding behind the "For the Children" shield.

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