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Hammerhand is live on Sun Sep 17 23:20 UTC 2023

Published on 18 Sep 2023 / In Other

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Hammerhand 10 months ago  

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1:11:20 Hammer is that MASTODON CLASSIC BLOOD AND THUNDER SONG if so I'm glad you got some great taste in music can't forget your into QUEENSRYCHE as well great fucking bands and great music taste. Keep Rocking on Hammer \G/

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mrghoster 10 months ago

Brand was a little sneaky Government Shill in the day when he did the OBEY thing and the Handling. Now he has sort of woken up they want to shoot him down, not that I give a shit never liked the cunt from the off.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

Chivalry goes back to the Catholic Church and the Knights of the Crusade's- the same knights that became the Templar's that formed into Free Mason's. It was a Code for the Knight to abide by. The FEFAIL connection came with the Victorian's in an ART period called Gothic Revival, Arts and Crafts movement started by William Morris. It had NOTHING to do with honor to women, or any of that SHIT. swunning Victorian women took this into their panties to cover their frustrations to get noticed by MEN in the day. I know the truth about Chivalry because I studied the truth at college for 3 years.

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I had to do a deep dig into my ancient memory and I think I have the SCUM manifesto in a PDF and read all about her shit and her attempted murder of Andy Warhole.... I did extensive research on it... and Andrea Dworkin - 500 Kilos of Psychotic Porkin - Damn... I have read some of her stuff too...

The guys who don't get the value in studying the enemy, have never studied....

It's like reading the workshop manual before you start on the car....

Rather than trying to guess your way through it...

I have a heap of extensive reports on Adolf Hitler and the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) report on Hitler through publications, news, media, spys, traitors and both supporters of and enemies of Adolf Hitler - to create an assessment of how they thing the war is likely to go, if they kill him or leave him to his own ends, and or should the USA enter the war...

And they concluded Hitler would keep reacting and spread his resources too far over far too many fronts, by jumping from one fight into another, before the previous campaign was concluded, and he would fuck the whole thing up badly himself.

This is just at face value and minus the intrigues...

And with Dworkin - it was only the fucking idiots who held her up as the "Great Sage of Feminism" - like a Bolshivic Jew Cheer Squad of Propagandists......

"Oh she is the way, the truth and the light - Our Great Leader" - when she is a fat fucking head case....

There is one thing to read what people say about and or for and against someone else, and it's another thing to read what the people had to say about themselves.









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TripeSwing 10 months ago

It must have been 1999, I was at Vesuvios Bar in San Francisco having a beer. I had just returned from tour with a band in Europe for 1.5 years doing BBC spots & VH1 shoots, hundreds of live gigs. I played multiple horns. As I had this beer at Vesuvios, a slightly younger man than I began light conversation. The only part I now remember is that at some point he said essentially that art and its success in the marketplace should be socialized. He said the old Chinese lady down the street's art should get as much acclaim as any other celebrated artist. I pointed out that I had invested 1000s of hours and huge $$ in my skillset. That apparently didn't make any difference to him. All these years later I remember the confusion I felt that he could think this way. We are now collectively seeing the cumulative effects of millions of dumbasses groupthinking in goosestep, like this young fool, for a couple generations. Go figure, it was San Francisco. The best thing I got from living there was said gig & some good jazz training. I don't miss living there at all,... well, maybe a couple restaurants but they're likely gone now anyway. Even in the 90s, parking was total hell.

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TripeSwing 10 months ago

The Age of Consent Laws (dysgenically selectively enforced against white men btw) are 16 in much of the West and 18 in the rest. Even before that age in the current era, these girls are wrecked & run through. I bet 97% of 15 years old girls in 2023 USA have double the body count of their 75 year old male neighbor.

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