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Governor DeSantis Signs Legislation to Support Law Enforcement

Published on 12 Apr 2024 / In News & Politics

Streamed on: Apr 12, 10:03 am EDT 4.3K

Governor DeSantis Signs Legislation to Support Law Enforcement

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Toki 3 months ago

They keep you safe from your enslaved taxpayers Ron. If someone brings violence to me or breaks into my home the pigs will arrive far too late. The coppers are the king's guard. They exist to benefit you Ron. You have women there for F's sake. This isn't anime. Women with guns and wardogs. Terrifying. I just feel bad for your wardogs. Being trained and used as tools to terrorize and enslave the people. I guess the USSA really is modern day Rome using wardogs as attack animals. As well as collapsing to women's rights and socialism just like Rome did. You never learn. Why are there women employed there!? Have you learned nothing from history? Women should be at home with family creating a stable future generation, not cosplaying as a cop. You have criminals because these female cops are probably single moms getting welfare as a form of employment, and welfare at home. While their children have no fathers or loving mother at home. So they join gangs looking for a father figure. Nobody wants women empowered like this. Not even they do.

Also look how miserable and angry these piggies look. Because they are evil people and hopefully they know feeling guilt and shame. Men can police their own neighborhoods just fine without requiring a mafia state. In fact the good honest working men would do a far better job and take of the actual problem. Instead of putting bandages on the bleeding wounds of our failing welfare society that encourages no work and more crime. Many criminals are just following your example Daddy Gov. Using violence and the threat thereof to steal from others. Same thing as a street gang. They also don't want to work because half their wages will be stolen and end up as doughnuts in the pig's bellies. Or your potbelly Ron. How is anyone supposed to take these Gov people seriously when they can't even manage their own Gluttony and weight? It's the most obvious sign of selfish behavior and corruption.

You're also wearing makeup as usual. Dylan DeSantis Mulvaney. How about put on a mechanic's uniform and learn how to fix a car Ron? Do a service for others to be selfless instead of 100% selfish. But you don't want to because you're lazy and you already know half your hard work will be stolen by the Gov mafia. That's you Ron. The mafia Don of Florida. The sad thing is you aren't even the worst one and yet here you are trying to play up fat, old commie soldiers who go out and steal from others to reward you the mafia Don.

Considering the increasing welfarism you're going to run out of slaves to tax Ron. All these old coppers. Where's the youth? Unemployed on welfare attempting to kill themselves with hard drugs because life sucks for them. They have no future or hope. Just poverty and higher taxes. That's the future generation you created with Gov policy even in the "red" state of Florida.

Even the dogs look guilty of being commie shitlords lol. Poor doggies. I just wish they didn't have to be caught up in this being war animals bred for human violence. Why not get some elephants to trample people as well? They could knock down people's doors down when you send the cops out to collect taxes.
The best part is if I had a dog and the cops showed up to collect more taxes from me they would shoot my dog. But I can't afford a pet because of taxes going to Ron's belly, makeup, high heels, girly suit with shoulderpads, cocaine, and hookers. Shoulderpads? Yeah because you lack a real good working man's powerful arms and shoulders. You have to compensate for that oversized belly. You still look awful though. My shoulder width is more than double my taxpayer rail thin midsection.

Also notice how most coppers are balding. A curse from God to punish sinners. Now you're taking in coppers with arm tattoos? Biker gang tattoos. Very professional. Listen I don't care about the whole suit thing and stupid "professional" clothes like this. But arm tattoos are for gang members. What are you a Maori warrior from 500 years ago? The whole tattoo thing was cool in the past such as the Celts or Maori, but it's ghetto rapper culture today. It's not classy or in trend. It's a sign of low IQ. Do they also paint their faces with the blood of murdered tax slaves?
Ya'll need hobbies and stop enslaving the masses for your own benefit. We have these things called video games. You can be violent and do all kings of crazy stuff including crime. But get this - Nobody gets hurt or suffers for it. Even if you set your empire's taxes on Very High Tax rate. That's what these coppers need to fulfill their sinful desires. Not working for the mafia Gov dooming our society to communism and collpase.

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Toki 3 months ago

More potbelly pigs taxing the people into poverty. As well as useless women in Gov employment = more welfare. I thought Ron was against welfarism? Oh wait the entire Gov is communist. Not just the other side of the fake two party system that doesn't exist.
So I should avoid ever visiting Florida. Even though I'm a moral citizen who has less sins then these pigs. Such as Gluttony and Sloth. Or stealing from the poor due to the Sloth, Pride, Envy, and Greed. All to fulfill their Lust with blackmailed prostitutes they pick up and threaten to book unless..
Never vacation to Florida. It's illegal to simply be alive and go outside. The Gov owns everything and all the peasants are trespassers on Gov land. How about these coppers go to DC and arrest the problems? No? What good are they then? They are your SS elite guard DeSantis, nothing more. Not to do with being Caucasian or anything. But because they are communist soldiers in fancy uniforms including an arm badge of selfish Pride from their gang/mafia/terrorist force.
Also let this be a lesson to avoid producing children. Having to live on the iron fist of the Gov's guard pigs. It's no way to live. There's no freedom anywhere in the world unless you have extreme power and corruption like DeSantis or any other Gov suit. Evil thrives on this planet and coppers are proof.
They will farm traffic citations from middle class peaceful citizens while gang members rob stores/homes and get jungle wild in their ghettos. Go clean up the ghettos if you want to prove you are useful for something. You got plenty of ghettos in Florida because like every other state, it's a communist state of welfarism.

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