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Governor DeSantis Announces Additional Job Growth Grant Fund Awards and Infrastructure Funding

Published on 07 Mar 2024 / In News & Politics

Streamed on: Mar 7, 9:53 am EST 5.99K

Governor DeSantis Announces Additional Job Growth Grant Fund Awards and Infrastructure Funding

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Toki 4 months ago

So are you going to work anywhere Ron? Or just steal the worker's wealth through taxes? To pay for your girly fashion of business suits, makeup, pampered haircut, and buying prostitutes? I'm guessing Ron is a fag though. Likely wears high heels behind closed doors. He's too weak of a male to find a real job and be a man so I'm assuming he's a sissy boy.
Also I like how he's standing in front of a drink cooler where every drink in Florida is probably $5-$10 for a 20 oz. Plus sales taxes which doubles the retail price. So Ron can have a closet of high heels and makeup.
The infrastructure is Ron's shoe closet that will cost the taxpayers $50 million.
How about you be a man? Eliminate the useless governor seat of Florida completely. It's a corrupt welfare title of nobility in the first place. Real men don't support nobility because it's a childish selfish concept seen in women. Grow up Ron and find a jobby.
In God you trust. A governor is an arrogant false God. You are a heretic Ron.
Now if you do grow up to become a man someday it would be nice to lose that baby fat and attain a man's body. You look a baby pig Ron. All that extra fat. How do you even live like that? Also why the suit? Don't you feel like a faggot wearing such a snobby attire? A man doesn't give a damn and will wear rough jeans and a work t-shirt. Wasting money on fashion is a female mindset Ron. You are a female.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

how about mass deportations instead of talking out both sides of your moth. .WAS CAUSED MY ASS!! IS CAUSED!!! YOU AINT DONE SHIT!!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

Pro growth anti immigrant SURE THIS GUY IS A GODAM LIAR!! SHOW US THE DEPORTATIONMS!! ROUND THEM UP!! please. pretty please..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

deport the beners and Americans will have living wage jobs! THIS GUY HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING!! TRUMP CLAIMED EVERYTHING WAS FIXED TOO!! TAKE A LOOK AROUND these guys are liars..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago


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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

Everybody just speaks spanish now..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago


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