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Gerry Anderson's "UFO" 1970 - Parody by Rude Guy - Enjoy.

Published on 13 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

This one is probably more for you Brit Guy's? classic series from 1970 parody and the BEST Dub ever - Gerry Anderson's "UFO", the impression of EStraker2 and the lip sinque is brilliant. so Go check out "Rude Guy" on YT before the Algorithm takes him down! (Not singer Peter gordino is replaced by Engleburt, because any one under the age of 50 wont know of Peter Gordino)! lol!

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I was raised on all this shit - brilliant.

Space 1999.

And there was one or two others..

The world owes quite a debt to Gerry Anderson - his Sci Fi stories were / are brilliant.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

I did not recognize it, but I recognized that era of movies. I have seen a couple but not these particular titles. What was that one where a couple lived on Mars or something and an evil doctor invaded them and tied to take the woman as his wife? I am starting to think the cavemen had it easy-- just take the bitch. They had clubs too just in case.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Not sure of the one you mentioned, sounds familiar?

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Yep, My childhood in a nutshell. gerek Medding's that did the special effects and models for century 21 was a massive influence and still is for me to this day, RIP Derek. I live about 12 miles from the old Century 12 studios and about 8 miles from hammer house of horror's BRAY MANOR. My very town is quite famous for films in the late 60's early 70's a gilm called the Ofrfence with Sean Connery was filmed at the end of my garden, but I didn't live in this house at the time. Jenny Agguter's first filom was in my town before she went "Walk about"!

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@WMHarrison94: One of Gerry Andersons hall marks is the recycling of all of his Audio / special effects sounds - The "weee wooo" sounds of the flying saucers, and all the other sounds are more or less across all the different programs - thunder birds, space 1999, UFO etc...

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