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Fuck The Public Hospital System

Published on 04 Apr 2021 / In Film & Animation

The daily goings on of Shane T. Hanson.

Yesterday I was dying of an infection that had gotten in under 2 or 3 teeth....

I am often up at 4am, so I have a midday or afternoon sleep. Woke up at 1pm and "Jesus Fuck - this is bad!" As in inflamation into the socket /s and the teeth are going to pop out with the help of some pliers, riding on a raft of pus......

So I went and extracted the information to call EVERY fucking hospital within an average of 300 Km + (Australia is a BIG place) AND I found that ALL the fucking public hospitals are CLOSED because of fucking easter, and not only that the fucking NUMB SKULLS, running the fucking hospitals, just leave the answering machine on, with no skeleton crew to attend to urgent cases, and not even a fucking diversion or a audio direction, to an emergency number or clinic....

Possibly looking at losing 2 or 3 teeth, and the infection spreading into my head and blood stream and dying...

AND the closest dental hospital that is OPEN is not far short of 300Km away - ONE way....

This is insane.

You fucking cunts in the health dept and all these shit bag entitled hospitals are fucked, with your retard arsehole FEMINIST nurses - I am exposing the whole fucking racket. (not everyone who works in a hospital is a retard or a vindictive feminist cunt - but there is a lot of them)

Fuck Easter - and closing the public hospitals from a day or two before christmas and then everyone comes back to work AFTER new years day.... What the fuck!

AND from 1pm in the afternoon and 4 or so hours ringing around to all these places, and getting an appointment the next day at 9am, well slowly by slowly, by midnight, my teeth were getting to be a lot less painful...

By the early morning, it was tolerable..... I thought, "I am getting better".

For the kangaroos on the roads at night - Scroll to 17:00 minutes in this one. They are small kangaroos, and there are not many of them in this school. ⁣https://www.mgtow.tv/v/1TI5nt

The kangaroos can easily get MUCH bigger and there can be many more of them....

This is a difficult situation - the undergrowth obscures them, and yet the undergrowth is spartan enough, for them to travel at high speed, into the traffic.





I don't mind going to the hospital, but it's nearly a 600 Km round trip AND that is a long way and because there are kangaroos everywhere, for much of the trip - you have to pay attention - as in concentrate on the road, and what is coming in from the sides, as best as you can and this is tiring.... and so your having to apply "double concentration" and to avoid crashes in the middle of nowhere at 4 or 5am and I sit on 40 or 50 Kmh instead of 100Kmh...

So that doubles the trip length and the time to concentrate hard on the wild life that can be coming out of nowhere at any second....

And then ending up in a big city - fucking exhausted and then face the same trip going home, but this time with being fucking exhausted from the start....... AND then more roos and more concentration and drugs and a fucking head ache....

I don't want to just drop everything and make a huge 600 Km trip - because they CLOSED all of the public hospitals across the state, for fucking easter......

Fuck them. I have other things to do.

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