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From Blue Pill to Bad Boy: What Women Really Want | Grunt Speak


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Published on 20 Feb 2023 / In Comedy

Women will swear on a stack of Bibles that they want a nice guy to settle down with. Their actions prove otherwise.
#TerrencePopp #TheLongGame #BoxedWineandCatLand

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NeoGeoGamer 1 year ago

Funny that the criminal record did it all on its own. He even says he didn't change anything about how he behaved toward women. Hybristophilia is real.

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Furioso 1 year ago

Wahmen don't know what they fucking want ,they are run by emotions ,that's why nobody can make them happy in the long term ,they are selfish ,short sighted and only want emotional rollercoasters/drama/novelty/butterflies or use gullible men for their MONEY/Attention/Validation .Never trust one of them ,they care about nobody but themselves and their fucking feelings .The bad boy is a reflection of them ,he is selfish ,unstable or have a big mouth full of shit .That's why they are attracted by men like that

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Yeah when your nice to a woman who turns out to be an absolute fucking lying bitch...

AND she makes false allegations against you.....

Then for different reasons - out paths (by location only) never cross for a few years.

AND then one day you see her and she has gained HEAPS of weight and looks like a caricature of some Michellin Man...

And the only thing that goes through your mind is, "Well the ugliness on the outside, finally matches the ugliness on the inside".

LOL - That is SO satisfying......

Days of Our Lives

Jesus Fuck...... Main Stream Media Main Courses for the Brain Dead.


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