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Fake "Alpha Male" Tries & FAILS To Intimidate Man

Published on 21 May 2024 / In Entertainment
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Jaygo 1 month ago

Yea. That gym rat with the bald head is the epitome of the type of guys i despise. Actually. He is imo likely very insecure, have a false idea of masculinity, which is imo a way to mask or cover a feminine trait about himself. He imo sees, or views masculinity the way women do. Over exaggerated. And i would guess he probably came from a single mother home, or a home with an abusive father if he was there. He's like a woman in a man's body imo. that's the best way i can describe him. which is why i say he has feminine traits. Not feminine in the homosexual sense, But feminine as in lacking true masculinity, or better yet, never have grown up around real men, the salt of the earth honest hard working kind of men to really learn what masculinity is and how to operate around other men. He acts just like a woman. which is why i believe he 9 out to 10 grew up in a single mother home. .

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SteveOUK 2 months ago

"Excel in every area"
That's called an Apex Fallacy.

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sardonicsmile 2 months ago

This whole thing is a waste of time.

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Mr_Sluggo 2 months ago

A man can leave the prison, but the prison can never leave the man.

Jail Bird is mad because he most likely got his shit pushed in and liked it.
The macho act is a smoke screen to hide his gay tendencies.

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