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Eva Schloss (Anne Frank's stepsister) on the Holohoax.

Published on 02 Apr 2024 / In Non-profits & Activism

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 months ago  

Even the jews tell you it was an holyhoax production...

Don't disappoint me Mustang.

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Mustang finally made a comeback. Fuck Anne Frank and praise Eva Schloss for telling the truth that the Jews hate at all costs.

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bigintol03 4 months ago

@The Man Inside:...@Mustang...Late at night when I think about the 6 gorillan souls that didn't die, I get so worked up that I have to watch reruns of the "Golden Girls" to calm down...then I can sleep!!!

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bigintol03 4 months ago

Kikes LIED??? Who would have thunk it???

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I had the chance to visit Auschwitz and got sick the night before and could not go Glad I did, when I asked those that went they said it wasnt all that and they were at each others throats so glad I did waste my time on that and spent it on what the actual polish are like.

Look at them now getting Raped and fucked over by Pollack Feminazis whores dragged into a war that has nothing to do with them and helping Jewkraine Nazis, Poland was a great Country till they let it get ruined from the inside out, The one Hope I have is the Bishop who told the Politician to get out of the church for not doing what he said he would do to restore Patriarchy and backstabbed them typical Politician CUNT.

Those Pollacks better get their Shite Together and Mount Heads on Pikes or its over for them and its such a shame as Pollacks are great people and have a great Country GOD BE WITH THEM \G/

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 months ago

Poland has always been a shitty place. Only know of one decent man there. Made business with him, top bloke.

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@The Man Inside: Fair enough depends where in poland. I have only been to Krakowa and heard some good things from my Pollack Bros about Warsawa never been however you might be right its probably now has become a shitehole infested with Feminazis. Some Sound Top Men Pollacks are and some like everywhere are rotten corrupt as fuck. Glad you know at least one Pollack who is worthy of Respect \G/

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: They are slavics... enough said.

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