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Published on 21 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Drums_McBashington 2 months ago

It's like watching a toddler learn.
Round block in round hole. Good job, princess.

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She is kind of hansom, has a nice long vertical kind of a nose and she is also a manipulative weak minded low IQ shit...... "The owners manual is in the glove box - it's a book of instructions. Get it out and follow the directions. Bye."

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She is also FUCKING lazy - relying upon the "cunt card", instead of doing it herself.

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"Hey Daaaaaaaad - I have got a flat tyre. Can you come and change it for me?" Dad: "Princess - Not only are you the equal of any man, your better than any man - by a fucking mile. Sweetheart, the owners manual is in the glove box - it's a book of instructions. Get it out and follow the directions. Bye."

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Drums_McBashington 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I remember reading, way back, how half of the latest generation doesn't know they have an OM, or what's it for, when/if they discover it. Some thought it was there for 'the mechanics'.

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@Drums_McBashington: What is a mechanic?

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sauger1001 2 months ago

Funny what you can do when you THINK instead of emote.

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Councilof1 2 months ago

Damsel in distress? Where I don't see any damsels.

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

i am surprised that the "strong independent women " actually needed a man to help her with such a simple task as changing a tire. what happened to " i don't need a man for anything"? of course i am not surprised to see her entitlement mentality when it cam to some random man coming to the aid of a "damsel in distress ". she expected some random man to help her . what an entitled &unt . i am very disappointed in the cucked castrati that did stop and help her . she was saved by the man that she does not need for anything . i wonder if she even knows when she is lying to herself anymore .

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Councilof1 2 months ago

Fish and bicycles and all that.

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Man Changing Tyre = Easy. --- Woman Changing Tyre = Apollo Rocket Launch.

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"i wonder if she even knows when she is lying to herself anymore ." Says Leader_Desslok. --- "I wonder if I could fuck all three of her holes for a candy bar?" - says Shane

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: spot on !

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@Leader_Desslok: Forget it - I watched it again, she is horrible.

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@Leader_Desslok: Her last words were, after "no men are stopping" was, "Where is my poppa?" - the reason so many women are lazy brainless pieces of manipulative shit, is because almost NONE of them were made to "get the owners manual out of the glove box and follow the directions". So they remain ignorant, brainless and stupid and useless cunts..... their entire lives.

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: she actually believes that " learned helplesness " is somehow "cute ". in fact it makes me sick. if you are going to be "equal " then we need to follow the german example of conscription of women into the armed services .

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: at last women can experience what true "equality " feels like .

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

i can't wait for this "equality " to come to america the welfare state .

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

this is gold ! (" The demand for compulsory military service for women is also a step towards equal responsibility in society. It's not just about strengthening the ranks of the Bundeswehr, but also about a sign of equality and promoting a common willingness to defend ourselves.")

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

welcome to eating cold food at the bottom of a rain filled hole on christmas . during yet another rain storm . make sure you keep your head down ! stop complaining ! man up and defend your country . suck it up and be a man !

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@Leader_Desslok: Tell her to, "Bend Over and Take it Like a Man." The Sodomite Soldiers were Undefeated.

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@Leader_Desslok: Good articles... the politicians are fucking spinless wankers....

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