Don’t Crap Where You Eat: Call-in Show | Grunt Speak Live
You ever dipped your pen in the company ink and had it backfire spectacularly? We want to hear from you tonight at 8pm EDT!
#GruntSpeakLive #ModernWomen #CompanyInk
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@Moisture_Patrol: I actually contemplated this alot. A quote from 'Horus Rising' comes to mind: " "The truth is amoral"So you said, but in serving your fine truth, invader, you make yourself immoral.' Which encapsulates my findings pretty well. Evil came into existence through human obsession with creating good. Sorry, the damn chat froze when i tried to post
Have a good weekend gents. Get no hoes with child and no vehicles wrecked in a drunk rampage.! See you next week!
laters gents
Looks like Stephanie made a big splash last week.