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Don't Marry Your Crazy Girlfriend

Published on 11 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation
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This man - with his idiot girl friend, is an idiot.

Significant Problem 01.


Significant Problem 02.


Significant Problem 03.


And and and = Goes on for ever.

What part of, "this is fucking bullshit" does he NOT understand?

The best thing about life is the lessons - you can either duck or get kicked in the head.

He likes getting kicked in the head, more than he does not like getting kicked in the head.

He will either end up dead, with brain damage or get the fuck out of there.

Personally and speaking from experience, education, while potentially brutal, harsh and unfair, apparently, is necessary to gain the understanding that "the relationship" spoken about - really starts to smell of a skunks arsehole about 5 minutes into the discussion.

Beyond that - it's just painful, stupid, bullshit.

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