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Don't help a pig you twat.

Published on 31 Mar 2023 / In Comedy

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the_question 1 year ago

He even shat himself in embarrassment LMFAO! His new nickname should be poopy pants skidmark boy. How the Hell did this bitch boi cop even get into such a predicament? Haha, well regardless every single last cop in the western world deserves this and so much worse.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

I was wondering that as well. Perhaps from chasing a suspect? One with more "athletic" ability? Lucky all he lost was his sh!t. Could've been much worse.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 year ago

@sauger1001: literally lost his shit. :-D

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 year ago

whats your name and badge number? .. heh

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TelepathicRapist 1 year ago

Whats with the hole in his underwear? I don't even want to know what happened here. I just cannot believe how broken ones mind must be to work for the UK police at this point. Its hard to believe considering how nice the welfare state is there. Can't believe they can get anyone to work at all

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 year ago

It's a nice welfare if you're a curry motherfucker or a sand nigga...

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 year ago

@The Man Inside: that... is not a hole. It's a stamp from his shit factory. :-D

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Even the "cops" from "The Blues Brothers" were able to avoid this type of predicament, though a lot of their vehicles weren't quite so fortunate.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

They were on a mission from God!

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joolco22 1 year ago

Fucking Aussie Gestapo bastard

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Avacados 1 year ago

More like cheka.

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