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Do All Women Cheat?

Published on 26 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation
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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Cappy, our parents grew up in a different time... it might as well be In a long Time ago in a galaxy far, far away... That American is dead: The NAZIs and Commies mostly won...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Of course women lie, they were made to be on their backs... for men, or on their knees...

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NeoGeoGamer 1 year ago

A man cheating and a woman cheating are not even remotely the same thing. A man cheating can't put another woman's child into his wife's womb. Don't ever compare the two.

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When I was young and gorgeous, with my throbbing rod of god.....

Well married women were chasing me from 11 years old....

And try going to the pool at 16 and chatting with a woman who was like 30 ish +

Can I drive you home?


Women like stiff dick like flies like fresh shit....

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UncleIroh 1 year ago

"If Salma Hayek dropped into your lap would you?? Yeah I bet most married guys would."

My instinct says no.

Not only is there more opportunity for women to cheat, but by the time men are married and also fathers, we've made a life committment and decided to leave that shit behind. Maybe I'm just built that way but it's my hunch that in 2023 more married men than married women are faithful, especially if they're fathers.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

If that happened, I would expect her to be a succumbus or other type of demon...

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