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Divorce is War | Live From The Lair


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Published on 04 Mar 2024 / In Comedy

A not-so-fan of the show challenged Popp’s judgment on marriage and divorce. That was a mistake.
#TerrencePopp #ModernWomen #DivorceWar

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SolidSnake33 5 months ago

Yup. TWRA or die.

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GenerationLESS 5 months ago

Pretty much how my divorce went, except maybe #1 & #2, her friends talking to her and telling her she wasn't happy. #3, yep, she squirreled away cash big time. #4, her lawyer telling her "You can take his pension." #5, the element of surprise was springing it on me the day before I was going to go back to school for the first time in 30 years. #6 was your basic divorce fire storm, and gas lighting by telling me she was being kind, "I'm not going to go after your cars." That would be the car I bought 7 years before I ever met the miserable cunt, and my truck I got before we got married.
Don't do it young men. This bitch had a body count of zero when I met her and it still went south.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

ya, this one rang true with my experience too.. I had no idea that I was about to be in divorce court. . Everything was going fine.. she took half our savings , read my savings , while I was at work one day and it was on.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

in '88 I had 12,000 in the bank and owned a property outright we were about to build on.. in fact , we applied for everything with the builder and Icaught chicken pox at 26 yoa.. my employer denied I worked there. I was out for 2 weeks.. house deal fell through.. but had the money still.. ubtil she decided she wanted to do something else.. she took 6 thou out while I was at work.. the older guys at work heard my story about the morning thing and they were like I hope you dont have a joint bank account.. I went to the bank straight after work. .hold on 6 thousand..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

@jim bennett: and you think.. this is wrong.. this is not gonna happen.. we have kids.. nope nope and nope, wrong answer.. everything is set up waiting for her to make her move..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

she hired this lawyer who acted like I had done something wrong.. and hostile to me in the lobby outside of the court.. He was gaslighting me.. I didn't do anything wrong I was heart broke..

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