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Digital ID coming to Australia

Published on 26 Jan 2023 / In Film & Animation
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Nothing spells honesty and openess more than jack booted jerk offs...

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slapmonkey 2 years ago

@slapmonkey: Hmmmmmm Ummmmm Copper - Hmmmmmmm How much is real and how much is reading into things and how much is hocus pocus and how much is real malevolence? The Recommended Daily Intake is a genuine issue.... and 2 milligrams a day of copper seems to cover everything from all food sources... And contrary to much of this lame brain shit, copper is NICE in tiny amounts... and beyond that... don't fuck with it.

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Leader_Desslok 2 years ago

"they are giving you a number and taking' away your name" what is next ? perhaps a black uniform for everyone and enforced thought control ?

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slapmonkey 2 years ago

I say travel in packs. Give them all lessons in pro-active defiance.

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