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Did Joe Rogan Accidentally Become Christian?

Published on 21 Jan 2025 / In Entertainment

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In today's video we react to clips from Joe Rogan's podcast that suggest he has become more Christian over time...

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WMHarrison94 21 days ago

They attack Christianity bevause it's the newest Covenant. If you're not Christian, really Christian now, you should convert now... we only about twenty years from the Age of Revelations where you have to die for God El Elohim to become saved as we leave the "End Times" or end of the Age of Pisces the Biblical Age of Salvation.

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sauger1001 24 days ago

To answer the question, God doesn't make anyone a Christian. You go through the journey, and eventually make you own conclusions. The one thing you'll do during this ordeal, is read the Bible, bc that's what you'll be lead to do, by God.

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sauger1001 24 days ago

God in the Bible, wants people to ask Him questions. It's most churches, which are controlled by satan, that would rather you didn't ask the toughest questions. All except one, are to some degree, controlled by the devil. The trick, is finding that one that is controlled by God and Jesus. A great place to start, is by realizing God (this can be found in the first book, Genesis), never designated Sunday as THE day of worship. It was always Saturday. That alone, will take most of the churches out of the picture.

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WMHarrison94 21 days ago

Trye. But one of the Pope's realigned the whole calendar (Julian Calendar) because Easter is dupposed to occur during an astrological event or astronical alignment, Vernal Equinox I think it is. It's how we can plan 40 days out. Modernity separated our JudoChristian calendar and "faith" away from its Age of Taurus Bronze Age roots... "As above, so below." This is even repeated in the Lord's Prayer Christ told us to say "Let your will be done in Heaven as it is on earth." "As above, so below." Wake up brothers... Revelations the Apocalypse is fast approaching. It's like with kids .. one day they're born... five minutes later they're crawling, and one day you wake up you watch them drive away to college barely remembering them when they started driving at sixteen or fifteen for some lucky bastards... not that I have kids. It'll be fast.

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WMHarrison94 21 days ago

When they aligned the calendar again it went from like Tuesday the 6th to idk Friday the 29th in 25 hours. Why? Because we don't have exactly 365.25 days per year, ie one rotation around the Sun. They ignored the decimals I think it was 365.22 days per year so after Centuries, more days appeared and misaligned tje equinoxes. Just sayi n g, this is an history fact. Pope Gregory did it which os why we have thevGregorian Calendar today.

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WMHarrison94 21 days ago

How msny people know that today?

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