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Dhul Qarnain - Preparing for the Second Qarn

Published on 26 Jun 2020 / In Film & Animation

The subject of 'Gog and Magog' is the very foundation of Ilmu Akhir al-Zaman (or Islamic Eschatology); and it is my views on precisely this subject which have been relentlessly attacked and rejected by my many critics these last 20-25 years. Those who have rejected my explanation of this subject are now in a state of shock since more and more viewers - Muslims, Christians and others - are becoming convinced, Alhamdu lillah, that my explanation is correct. I can only pray that those of my critics who have sincerity in their hearts might be guided to the Truth Insha Allah. My gentle advice to them is to remain faithful to Truth - regardless of where the road of Truth takes them.

I will try to complete my explanation of Dhul Qarnain, and of Gog and Magog, Insha Allah, in my next IBN session. INH

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