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Democrats DEBATE Trump Supporters On Why They Think Trump Is A FASCIST

Published on 18 Jan 2025 / In News & Politics

Democrats DEBATE Trump Supporters On Why They Think Trump Is A FASCIST

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WMHarrison94 22 days ago

Damn... Myron was there? I bet he's thinking... "this shit is why I left the FBI..." These Leftists literally are so retarded: "It's okay when we do it: Trump bad , Trump fascist when he does it." I'm like fuck it: Let them all starve. They are letting Trump voters in the Carolinas die from starvation and hypothermia with no homes, no money-- they gave it all to invading immigrants, no hotel or motel rooms-- retarded Fed agents needed to take all those up, and they refused to build bridges and clear out roads despite the Army's war time bridge builders literally there in the Carolinas. Those units can build bridges in 24 to 48 hours. They refused to activate those units, but, mountain hicks and hillbillies many veterans cleared out most of those roads in a day when they claimed they needed weeks to months. They literally are incompetent parasites.

Then, Retard sociopath Governor Gavin Newsome purposedly created the ideal conditions to burn down El Gay and build his Smart LA Fifteen Minute Prisons with plans already ready! Well, fuck... at least Emperor Nero admitted to burning down Rome to build his new palace... Well, he was rumored to have burned it and rumored to have said it. The gay assistant fire chief was correct: You should not be there (in Commiefornia). That was your problem: True, these featherweight or fat gay Lesbians are not carrying your male ass out of a fire, especially if you're white. Yeah, you should have left decades ago... and they dare ask why men are re fusing to join the military?

First off, Operation Mockingbird, the CIA controls the lame stream media especially the News: Trump should revoke their licenses and since they are acting illegally on the CIA's request, prosecute them as traitors lying to the American voting populus, period. Prosecute and shine a huge spot light on Feds acting illegally and dismantle them and their Unconstitutional illegal spies network. Their cabal, jthe participating udges too.

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