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Delusional Modern Women Have Left Men With Only 1 Choice - MGT0W Moments

Published on 06 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

Women HAVE left REAL MEN with no option but to go MGTOW and deal with their own lives. women are no longer compatible with REASONABLE thiunking logical MEN.

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sauger1001 4 months ago

0:20. Also, a Moroccan waah☻️man with a British accent, claiming to have "traditional values"? That's a HARD PASS in my book.

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sauger1001 4 months ago

0:20. She didn't answer the question, but by NOT answering it, she all but said "No" she's NOT a virgin.

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Councilof1 4 months ago

Women throw words around without understanding the definition of those words. People really need to understand language, word's and meanings otherwise they will be used against you. In America the police if they're arresting you will say "whatever you say can and will be used against you". That's more on the bullseye than most will understand.

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