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Dating rich men vs struggling men

Published on 03 Jun 2023 / In People & Blogs

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TelepathicRapist 1 year ago

BS ALERT! Complete falsehood being spoken here. Do what this woman says and perish! Women can have the best intent and still will not be able to override their emotions and in this current legal and social structure you have no remedy to resolve things in an equitable way.

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TelepathicRapist 1 year ago

Use your mind to analyze what she is saying here and disregard the emotional appeals. Women are very fickle. You could get her on board with this for a period of time, but if you legitimately get attached to her, you will eventually regret it because her heart will change with the breeze. It won't be long until she monkey branches. Women have control of the government to rob you, they don't need you, the government is their backup plan. Long term relationships are not possible in the west any longer, you can only lease these used cars, buying is impossible now. The stats don't lie. To see through the bs just look at the stats. It cuts through the delusion and appeals to emotion. Marriage is not even a viable institution without men being in authority of it, equality is not possible in marriage. There has to be legitimate legal reprocussions for violating the marriage contract. What they call marriage in the west is not marriage, it is total submission to the woman and state. You can never trust the words of a woman in this regard. Sure a lot of men do not follow the rules in marriage either, they should be punished too for violating the contract, otherwise don't get married. When women get power the society dies, women empowerment leads to birthrate collapse and the death of society, with men it's the opposite.

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FL_Steve 1 year ago

This chameleon bitch is just trying to get simp views. She wants a rich man too. Do not be fooled.

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