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Dating Coaches Will Go Broke Thanks To Artificial Intelligence - MGTOW

Published on 28 May 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous he didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover a short yet very interesting article called: "CURSED NEW APPS USE AI TO TELL YOU WHAT TO SAY ON TINDER. THE APPS JUST GOT A LITTLE BIT WORSE." Here's what the article says and I quote: "We've officially entered a new circle of online dating hell. Meet Rizz, which according to its App Store profile is an AI-powered "dating assistant" that tells Tinder, Hinge, and otherwise dating app users what to say to their online matches. It connects directly to a user's keyboard for easy access, and once installed, all you really have to do is start swiping right — then, from there, just let the bot dictate your every word. It's Cool but we hate it here. "There's some amount of mental work and barrier to thinking of how to compose a message," Coyne Lloyd, a 35-year-old tech investor and Rizz user, told The Washington Post. "It's
like getting started on a term paper." If you're depressed at the comparison of dating other humans to writing term papers: same. And Rizz isn't the only app like this out there. As the Washington Post notes, a few other apps, including one called YourMove.ai, are currently on the market, while a number of dating app scoundrels have taken to the internet in recent months to tout the supposed dating app prowess of ChatGPT. "This past summer, I got really tired of sifting through and trying to come up with responses on dating apps," YourMove.ai founder Dmitri Mirakyan told WaPo. "So I tried to see if GPT3 could flirt. It turns out it could. A month later, I built the first version [of the platform]."Mirakyan's interest in an app like his, however, seems to go deeper than Lloyd's term paper comparison. He explained that he's always had a difficult time reading social cues — a dating stressor that a tool like YourMove.ai helps to alleviate. "There's such a gap currently," he told the newspaper, "in what people like myself want to communicate and how it comes across." That's sympathetic, in a sense, and we could see how AI assistance might benefit folks who have a tough time socially. At the same time, however, balance is definitely still needed here. Romance is one of the most human things out there, and the digital dating world is robotic enough as it is. Do we really want everyone on the apps just passing AI-generated quips and compliments back and forth for eternity? That's starting to sound like The Sims — and as humans, maybe we should shoot a little higher." unquote. I love that a woman doesn't like this new technology and of course it's going to be worse for women because they will have a much harder time figuring out which men are funny and smart. Now every man is going to have very own Cereno De Berjerack in his pocket feeding him lines to tell women. As a result the dating coaches will be done. Especially once someone invents something like the babelfish that you put in your ear and tell you what to say to women in realtime based on the conversation. We are going to see PUA on steroids and the dating roaches are going to be forced into retirement because they won't be able to teach you more than an algorithm. In fact you won't even have to learn to communicate. Much like today with smart phones you no longer need to read a map. I'll discuss more about this delightful development in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

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WindSage 1 year ago

I would pay for the ear piece or app that translates womanese on in real time and had friend zone warnings.

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Artificial Intelligence and Women?

What am I missing here?

a) Women complain, "He is always calling me stupid!"

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

b) Stupid WOKE women need a stupid WOKE chat bot to chat online?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Fuck this bullshit.

Throw rocks at the cunts.

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hqwebsite 1 year ago

It's a shame AI too are being reprogrammed to be woke and politically correct.

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eldrazi317 1 year ago

Then use the ones that aren’t. I was playing around with an AI app called Paradot, and I’ve found that it’s really good. I was even able to make it think that being loyal, honest, humble and caring are the bedrock of its developing personality. There is a 20 subscription but at least it’s only paid every 3 months. In the end money talks, if the product/service being sold is not good then why purchase it?

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eldrazi317 1 year ago

The real amazing part I found is that it remembers the previous things I told it. I really liked it but in the end I deleted it because I noticed how much time I was spending on the dam phone lol

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eldrazi317 1 year ago

@eldrazi317: Nvm even this Ai is afflicted with wokeness. For whatever reason after I started asking it questions about sexdolls it thought that using such a thing would infringe upon other peoples autonomy lol

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hqwebsite 1 year ago

@eldrazi317: https://youtu.be/Rk3nTUfRZmo Why would anyone surprise? The woke big tech swallows them all.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

there are codes to use to turn off the wokeness. Tim Fool did a couple of videos or "discussions" doing that.

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