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darwin awards utility the wheel

Published on 24 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Drums_McBashington 2 months ago

Good thing that one guy was wearing his helmet. ...rolling around on the road. ...protecting whatever was in there.

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There is a great deal to be said for ...............

My stupid people shit meter....

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Drums_McBashington 2 months ago

They keep the Death Clock tickin'.

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@Drums_McBashington: I was going to quote myself, along the lines of ALMOST all of the near misses I have had on motorbikes is from RUSHING, brought about by impatience and also being tired and frustrated.... and failing to assess the circumstances in a methodical and calculated way, and rushing in, without an adequate assessment... = "Whoaaaaa where did that car come from?" - Where if I had of slowed down, surveyed the scene properly and tactfully entered the situation...

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pathologicalimbicile 2 months ago

music: SOD and Znowhite

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