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CREEP Just ARRESTED At Planet Fitness! Man Claims To Be Trans & Forced Way Into Woman's Showers!

Published on 11 Apr 2024 / In Entertainment

Is planet fitness waiting for some woman to lose her life? Get Veebs! https://www.veebsapp.com/ Use code "4444" for a free trial!

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sauger1001 4 months ago

Back in the '70s, feminists "forced" their way into men's (pro athletes) locker rooms, so shouldn't "what's good for the goose, be good for the gander" today? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake). Lol!

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Hey, those THOTs wanted to fuck those Adonieses of male bodies... how dare you sir! LOL!

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

So... what about Youth Men Cuckservatives Association again?

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Women destroyed all of our male only spaces, so I don't fucking care anymore... invest in home gyms.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

What are supposed to do? Idk... probably learn to love giving blowjobs... again? These bitches are getting what they voting for...

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Toki 4 months ago

Nobody wants women at the gym anyways. You should supporting our brave and stunning trans sisters for trolling women.
Women should at home exercising by serving their husbands/boyfriends. If she's at a gym she's simply trying to prostitute herself. Or bringing her Idiotphone with her and filming everyone else around without consent. I never want to go anywhere such as a gym because women are obnoxious. Our trans sisters could bring back male spaces. Once the women give up and leave the trans sisters will follow them other places to troll them. Maybe invade female spaces such as hair salons? It's perfect.
I certainly wouldn't want trans doods in the male locker rooms. Send them to the female locker rooms. Makes sense to me.
I'd be more worried about the gym business installing secret cameras in the locker rooms "to make sure customers aren't stealing anything." The whole camera surveillance state even at the local gym is far more creepy than trans sisters. Why would you want to support any business that films you without consent? Gyms are completely non-essential as well. You can work out at home using gravity for free. You don't need made in China consumer products to exercise.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

I'd be more concerned with gym filmed uhm pornos... but I do feel sorry for the prebuscent and pubescent teen girls, who never voted for this shit... unlike their mothers and grandmothers...

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Toki 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Children growing up in the prison state. Then they wonder why everyone is suicidal and unhappy. Whether they admit it or not. As well as wanting to go out and find a job. Because employers are prisons now also.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

@Toki: Chinesee er earners or millionaires realized they don't like the Chinese government: So, they retired "laying flat" in the country side living but not earninga living driving up the nation's GDP. Japanese hervoire men and us Westerners going MGTOW or MWA are having an effect. In hthe US, we always had the homesteading option, which became alot more agreeable during the Plandemic and "supply chain" shortages... just saying bro. Even we matter!

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