Conservatives are very mad you're not getting wrecked in divorce court
What do bachelors and DINK's have in common? The'yre living for themselves instead of others that likely hate them.
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Sorry Joker, the c writing bug bit me... your video triggered some Truthsaying in me.
When Joker was saying Dinks... I thought initially he say Twinks... a gay term from the seventies for "white, young, dumb, full of cum" fags... you know short for twinkled with their creamy, white, sugary filling... you see the parallel I hope. First off, don't trust Conservatives working for (Satanic) Jews who quote the Talmud, which allows them to rape non-Jewish literally does explaining how "it's not Adultery." If you read the New Testament, and see the times Christ asks who are you following? These are not the Laws of My Father, the Laws of Moses. He is referring to the "cheat code" Jewish tradition of following the Talmud, written by chickenshits, who lied claiming they followed Moses' Laws and their "new covenant" after being freed from Egypt. They killed their like minded friends and families to keep their lives and write down the "Egyptian wisdom or way of life" as the Talmud. Plus, second, the Jewish rabbis need baby dicks to suck... Just stating the facts-- no politics... Yet...
By the way, the "New Covenants" occured as Astrological Ages were in transition, from Age of Taurus into Age of Aries was the Exodus: That's why the "bull" worship and sex cult practices were no longer "relevant" or accepted by God of Israel El Shaddid (God of the Mountain Dinsi with His burning bush) Yehweih Saboath (local Jewish war God with His wife Ashereh, she had the Ashereh poles "Tree of Life" where Luz, which became Bethel (House of God "El") where the Ark of the Covenant was stored until Solomon's Temple was erected, was sacred fertility sites, ie fucking... the "Hung like Bull," the Running of the bulls, the Creteian or "Minoan" jumping over the charging bull, and the Spanish toros and their "games" are relics from this Age of Taurus Fertility Cults with God's and Goddesses. The next New Covenant Christ's coming and triumphing over death was during the transition from Age of Aries (The Ram) and the Age of Pisces, the Biblical Ages of Laws to Salvation around 0 BC. The "Jews" rather Hebrews or Amoa (Amoa Israel "the Nation of Usrael" recorded in stone and sculptures by the Egyptians) spent 40 yesterday in the desert to cleanse the youth of their parent' sinful, Egyptian ways, well almost... the Talmud was written down, so it failed, but also to punish the sinful parents... they died before reaching the Promise Land Israel Roman Palestina, and to build an army for Joshua to conquer Jericho and the Canaate or Phoenician city-states... when you move the Ecodus to the Middle Kingdom when Egypt experienced a disastrous. (dis - aster, stars not aligned) event, the Exodus which launched them into a Dark Age and their Pharaoh Ahmose I was the last one to build pyramids... duh, they just lost all their slaves, food reserves, their first born, and their gold to the Amoa or historically "Hystites" or Semites ie Jews called the Amoa and Habiru or Abiru (Hebrew.) And so now....
We approach the Newest Covenant in the mud 2040s when we transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, or Enlightenment, ie the Biblical Ages of Salvation into Revelations, ie ancient secrets becoming known... sort of like "Enlightenment." We know how this plays out because all the Books describe it and especially John's Book of Revelations, which is why "they" the Satanic Jews are talking about removing it, less you might save your own ass/soul. They can't have that.... But, fear not the God of Israel or his "Kinsman" is still with us giving us small miracles everyday... weakening the Jewish Cathedral,killing their Covid by literally weakening omnicrom, shedding light on their past censorship, the Hamibadi Library (Egypt) and Dead Sea Scrolls... among others...
Just saying, the more you know, the bigger picture of the puzzle you see and the more you come to appreciate God of Israel and His Love for us, eventhoigh they edited out His wife Ashereh and the whores combined her with the Phoenician/Canaanite witch goddess Ashtorath... the Ashereh poles are now "witchcraft." Then again, so isn't Astrology... after all ugly Fallen Angels gave this "knowledge" to fuck human women and birth cannibal Giants, whom some today we killed in Afghanistan... literally.
This is my lifestyle, 3 days a week with my girlfriend in her house and lovely garden, and 4 days a week in my bachelor apartment. The only thing that keeps the relationship together is its quality, so both of us are motivated to be civil to each other, to not nag, to give good sex, to be nice to each other, or one of us walks. LATting has considerable advantages, and may even become the dominant lifestyle for older people, who don't have kids, or whose kids have left home.
I see their anger and complaining as a good thing. It shows we have gotten their attention and we annoy them.
Producing children is the opposite of conserving anything. As a man it's a terrible financial loss to bring a child into this world. Child support and everything aside. Even if you have a solid family you're still losing your wealth to bring a child into a world on the brink of economic collapse. They have no future unless they are born into nobility. Slaves reproducing more slaves for the nobility to tax and spy on like zoo animals with the corporate surveillance camera network. God wouldn't even want good people to condemn new lives to suffer in our corporate Gov world. The Earth is already lost to those who worship evil and Satan. Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Wrath being wars, the Prideful special groups like the trans weirdos.
As much as I consider abortion murder I also believe you are sparing them from being born into a human society. I wish I was one of them to avoid my life as a taxed slave and retirement plan for my communist parents and sister who vote. As well as my other relatives who have women and children in their households.