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Chest Freezers; What they tell us about designing for X

19 Vues
Publié le 28 Nov 2023 / Dans Film et animation

This video is super cool. We're talking about refrigeration, and how the design of a refrigerator affects its energy consumption. Freezers are the perfect place to see this in action, so let's take a look!
I also made a follow-up video on the second channel with some other info I didn't talk about here! Go watch, if you like;

These links have been kept deep frozen and are ready for reheating and consumption
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I had a giant fridge so I could go shopping every 2 weeks but the fucker cost say in todays power prices perhaps $3 a day to run... Multiply that by 365 = Say $1200 a year x 10 years = $12,000

Using a chest freezer that has a thermostat that can run in refrigerator temperatures, like 0 - 5*C, with all that insulation, it makes them super fucking cheap to run...

And because my older model has a thermostat that cannot be controlled or switched over, I bypassed it and run it on a timer, say 10 x 30 minutes in summer when it's 40*C and 4 x 30 minutes when it's averaging 10*C in winter.


And they are dirt cheap to run, as freezers too...

Chest Freezer, 81.4cm, 194L

Hybrid system gives you the flexibility to switch from freezer to fridge mode

With one of these you can go shopping once every 2 months - give or take a bit = instead of weekly....

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