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Published on 11 Apr 2024 / In Entertainment

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sauger1001 3 months ago

11:10. Him: "Surprise! We're through!"
"By the way, who's Justin?"

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GenerationLESS 4 months ago

Any women that uses the phrase "A real Man"....Walk away, instant ghost.

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Leader_Desslok 4 months ago

of course the second demented woman that wants the man to pay for everything is actually admitting that she sees a "relationship" as just another form of "for profit " sex . ( we all know what that is called ) . so what happened to "equality where she is equal enough to pay her own way ? is this some sort of double standard here ?

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Leader_Desslok 4 months ago

and i think that women that shit test you by asking you to hold their purse are very scary women . she is trying to castrate you in front of a crowd . this is one of the biggest red flags ! this is where i say , " no thank you , you can hold onto your own property because you are supposed to be an all grown up big girl now ". then i leave . block her on my phone and pat myself on the back for having flunked her shit test. who the hell wants to spend any time with a woman that likes to castrate and or humiliate men in public . this is because she wants a simp that she can dominate . she might hook up with him for a while but you can be certain that she will be looking for a "better" man and cheating on him the whole time. in a few years she will make a video on tiktok titled " where did all the good men go?" . this woman has box wine and kitty litter in her future .

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