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Published on 02 Apr 2024 / In Other
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Blue Helmet Collector
Blue Helmet Collector 4 months ago

I can confirm that something has been going on recently, for about the past year I've had paranormal things happening to me as I fall asleep, wake up, and in my dreams.

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Ozmosis 4 months ago

Care to describe that ? i would like to hearabout what your experincing.

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Blue Helmet Collector
Blue Helmet Collector 4 months ago

@Ozmosis: I dont feel hands but it's like im being pushed onto my side, hit in the face, or like I'm being pulled by my feet. It's like as I'm falling asleep somebody is trying to pull me out of my body but I don't remeber anything so I don't know if it's working or not. I've also had problems with astral spiders, as I fall asleep or wake up I can open my eyes and either see a blurry spider in my mids eye or a physical spider crawling on my wall. I only see/feel these things in the period in between being awake and asleep. The spiders fade away after 2-15 seconds of my eyes being open, the spiders are the ones hitting me in the face as I try to fall asleep.

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Blue Helmet Collector
Blue Helmet Collector 4 months ago

I've also felt pressure on my bed like when someone puts their knee on the bed and it sinks. Honestly, I avoid sleeping until I crash from exhaustion because I really don't like this shit.

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Furioso 4 months ago

This guy is sick in his head ,theses pictures don't prove anything ,almost everybody is capable to make fake images ,the only thing i am agree with him is the fact that our leaders are satanic just like most wahmen (XX chromosomes ,seal of saturn aka satan ,symbol of free masonry)

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Councilof1 4 months ago

I watched an interesting video by a young man saying that CERN may also be responsible for the Mandela Effect. At this point I wouldn't doubt it. Nothing good will come from that place.

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Councilof1 4 months ago

I've been trying to wake people for a very long time. At this point I'm not sure most people want to be saved. They prefer lie's to truth in my experience.

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Councilof1 4 months ago

LoL he needs to read history. America exists due to French intervention. America didn't gain it's freedom all by itself.

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