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Britney Spears Says she is Done With Men


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Published on 01 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

I miss the piano playing pussy... and MGTOW 101!

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

yeah me too, I hate to admit this, but I think he's passed. :(

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

I have over 1k of his videos, so I'll be spending the summer uploading his legacy on here but I honestly think he's gone gone :(

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@TheRedKnight: or in prison... he might have been in Austria... the fucking Karens Down Under...

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: yeah, but he doesn't seem like the prison type, I DO have the video where he talks about getting on coa coa leaves (the natural leaves of cocaine?) and I'm having a hard time finding it, but he explains how great those leaves are. that I heard was his downfall.

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@TheRedKnight: Yeah he was getting into cocoa leaf tea and similar to overcome fatigue and to sprout muscles etc. - I told him it was a bad idea... and the last time I heard, he left Australia to go to Europe... . His content started started to become more erratic (in content) and sporadic - in frequency and regularity of upload -over some 3 to 5 months, and he then just disappeared. He and a few others like Sydney MGTOW were doing things together in Europe for a little while - sort of on and off.. Maybe others would know

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@TheRedKnight: True... Chocolate companies make a killing in the drug trade... I mean who counts the leaves... as for Miggy... we all have our personal demons... unfortunately, some of us fuck them... I heard from coke addicts that coke is only good because it makes sex better... I mean numbing out her bitchy ass would make anything better! LOL!

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Sydney M. went to Europe... damn, this must have happened after YT banned me. I was hanging out on Bitchute a lot then.

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