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Brendan Fraser Broke Financially: mgtow


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Published on 01 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Toki 4 months ago

Would be nice if The Mummy series had a masculine protag instead of this weakling. Also the main actress in those films is an annoying brat.
I just have no sympathy because he's not an average working man. He's a pampered manchild who simply acts on screen. That's a vacation compared to most men's occupations in the workforce. Yet society idolizes men like Brendan instead of a real man with hands-on talent and skill who are far more important to the human species's daily survival.
All those movies in The Mummy series seemed like early wokeness. Weak cowardly squeaky male lead. Aggressive loud female lead who isn't a lady and she's old. Where's the fertile actresses who still have eggs? On Twitch I assume.

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