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BMW washed out to sea after owner parks it on beach

Published on 29 May 2023 / In News & Politics

Shocked Pikachu face

A galaxy-brained BMW owner has just confirmed everyone’s prejudice against BMW owners by declaring the beach to be his personal parking space, and ‘screw’ the consequences. Cut to his M4 convertible being washed out to sea, as the world looks on and laughs. Video released by St Agnes Search and Rescue in Cornwall shows the $120,000 soft-top getting an accidental jet wash, being rendered completely unsalvageable when recovered two hours later.

It’s currently unclear who the car belongs to or why it was parked on the beach, possibly because the culprit is too embarrassed to come forward.


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I don't know the speed of the tide rise in the area - but it must have been say 2 hours above the low tide mark and now it's like 2 hours below the high tide mark...

Probably some slut wife out fucking around and having such a good time, with a couple of other guys, she forgot all about the tide coming in... and there goes the car her husband bought for her.


So you were down at the beach were you?

Doing what?

Oh just some sun bathing.

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Julian6669 1 year ago

TWAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh its the un-uk.............all TWATS there especially that shite hole cornwall carrot crunching farmyard back water sess pit

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