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Betrayed By Feminism. Not All Women Want To Be Single Childless Independent Women

Published on 29 Feb 2024 / In Entertainment

Betrayed By Feminism. Not All Women Want To Be Single Childless Independent Women #girlmath #modernwoman #modernrelationships

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 5 months ago

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As a child growing up in a Widow's home, I never thought of working for success as a priority.
My self interest was centered on staying away from home due to it being an abusive environment.
Once I was free from such a place, I focused on taking whatever job lead to financial success.

Because I didn't come from the best education programs or had the most prestigious job title or was an inch short of six feet tall, they had very little interest in me.
Sure I had several girlfriends, but they usually ended badly. Such as some being stalker-ish, a cheating tendency, a love of fabrication, or plainly hearing voices in her head.
The prettier the woman, the less likely she was going to have other skills.
The dumpier the woman, the more likely she was going to have mental problems.
None of these females were marriage/family material.

I think Humanity's Children have lost the capability for "family", the individual is too important.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

She's blaming Feminism when she made the choice. Her choice her responsibility not Feminism. Welcome to Freedom of Choice ladies.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

Feeling sorry for women is like feeling sorry for junkies. It's self-inflicted stupidity. Empathizing with them just enables their behavior.

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