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Assassin's Creed Shadows More UbiSlop fit for a sweet baby

Published on 19 May 2024 / In Gaming

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Assassins Greed...I love it. I hate liveservice... So, Origins was good. Was it live service?

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KEEPER 2 months ago

only partially, because they had their stupid micro transaction store, now i normally played the game in offline mode in steam, but the game can still be played without the store being online. live service normally effects online only games, which this isn't, but i still wouldn't trust Ubisoft, like they comepltly took a game off of steam recently, so if they can do this to one game they can do the same thing with their other games at will, i feel like steam should just ban them off of their store altogether, most people want them to go bankrupt including myself for many other reasons, because if they go bankrupt, they have to sell their entire library to another owner who hopefully won't run it into the ground like Ubisoft currently is.

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