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Are Ya Transmaxxing, Son?(i HATE this world)


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Published on 11 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

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bigintol03 1 month ago

Welcome to clown world!

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DarkMadDog21 2 months ago

i knew about it thanks to sandman and it's blackpilling as fuck. at least join islam or something. you're gonna be part of the ascending empire or join russia. (Patriarchies always colonize and take over matriarchies).

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kind of distracted watching... I got to 13:43.... Oh fuck...

Fuck all this stupid NO OPTIONS other than the WORST OPTION.....

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By that - there are a million things this Faggot to Fem could have chosen to do with HIS life, other than be an idiotic caricature of a woman... Like buy a bicycle and make deliveries etc..

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