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Another crispy American. What are you drinking over there, petrol?

Published on 19 Apr 2024 / In News & Politics

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Councilof1 3 months ago

I've never understood self-immolation. Burning is painful. Even more difficult to understand is all the screaming in the background. It's not like their burning. Yet again people make zero sense to me.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 months ago

Hunger strike too. Want to make a difference, set fire to your enemies. Start from the top, burn then, shoot them, bomb them, burn their houses... But why inflict pain and suffering on you? If you want to go, go in peace, no need to suffer.

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Drums_McBashington 3 months ago

Loved when the extinguisher brigade storms, guy with flag joins in. Just needed a drummer.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

@Drums_McBashington: How about the guy with a suit jacket. Thought about "smothering" the flames, then realized it would be a waste of time (and a good jacket). The police of course, arrived in minutes, when seconds count.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

Those were probably femons (SoloMan). One even took a seat closer to the "fire", but didn't do anything but watch. SMH.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 months ago
sauger1001 3 months ago

@The Man Inside: Apparently, he wanted to burn as well.

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