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#Aluminium welding and fabrication

Published on 31 Mar 2023 / In People & Blogs

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 year ago

I've heard aluminum is reusable over and over and can be melted just by adding some air flow to hot coals.. even an hair dryer through a steel pipe can bring the temperature up enough to melt aluminum but not the steel contaioning it.. seems one could make sellable trinkets from beer cans.. especially someone well versed in ceramics.. who has a kiln already..

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Awesum I wish I could weld and weld as good as that, maybe in my dreams only haha

Great video thanks for the little boost in motivation while my health is not great at the moment and make your health and skills brother as best or top Condition as possible they will both serve you great in the Long run.

Thank you brother once again for the little boost God bless \G/

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