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Alkohol - Darwin awards

Published on 10 Nov 2023 / In Entertainment

music: Bulldozer - whiskey time

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Oh god... fuck.

Smashing the elevator doors in and going down a few floors - without the elevator.

That's a new one.

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pathologicalimbicile 9 months ago

I got some elevator clips. there are crazier things than drunk chinese dudes that fall down

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@pathologicalimbicile: Yeah well...... I thought the Watchmen and the story of Rochet throwing a retarded fuck down the lift shaft was an interesting idea..... I was always under the impression that given what a lift shaft is, and how deep or tall they can be, that the doors should be able to resist like 10 fat guys running into them at the same time... from across the width of the average hotel passage way...... but popping open when one or two drunks run into them - and down the shaft they go.... I never expected to see that.

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pathologicalimbicile 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: dont trust chinese produtions

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@pathologicalimbicile: Have you seen the videos with "Tofu Dregs" in the titles?

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@pathologicalimbicile: This is the one.

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pathologicalimbicile 9 months ago

comment from that page: " Now you know why so many Kung fu master can chop brick with their hand in China . They crumble like dust "

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Councilof1 9 months ago

I don't think people realize how dangerous alcohol can be. For example alcohol has a L/D50 of 1 to 8 while cocaine has a L/D50 of 1 to 10. For comparison heroin is 1 to 6 while cannabis is 1 to 1000000.

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pathologicalimbicile 9 months ago

I like to drink but not to get drunk

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I like to masturbate but not commit the Sin of Onan.

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