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AI generated OnlyFans

Published on 30 Jan 2023 / In Comedy

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KEEPER 1 year ago  

this is the live stream.

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hqwebsite 1 year ago

The livestream didn't say anything about AI OnlyFans

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@hqwebsite: he didn't say that, but the post he got it off of did mention this. he talked about this post though, he's kind of talking about various things currently.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

if you look at his -49 minute marker so long as he's still streaming you will see the post where i got the image.

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hqwebsite 1 year ago

@KEEPER: Okay. You're right. Listening to him right now.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@hqwebsite: apparently Joker also talked about this on his locals page, I'm not a consumer of locals so I wouldn't have known that unless someone told me, and the commenter below me said this.

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Toki 1 year ago

@KEEPER: It was on BB's YT I believe. Salty deletes everything so his livestreams are pointless. Hiding content behind Locals paywall tells me that are con artists only doing this for money and avoiding adult real man employment. Internet opinions are not worth any money.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@Toki: oh shit your right, although it could be on his Rumble channel.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 1 year ago

With all the filters, surgeries, and cosmetics women wear for their internet profiles, who's really looking at a real woman anymore? Even in person women will gird, tape, tuck, and paint themselves into a phantom being that only exists until they wash their face and remove the padding.

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John_Doe 1 year ago

Yes, I can believe that shit. Because at the end of the day our culture has slipped into substituting perception for reality. Whether it's a "real" photo or an AI generated one, all of it is is just colored pixels on a 2-dimensional screen. Talented photo-realism artists could reproduce the same (albeit it would take them longer) using Photoshop if they cared to bother. The fact an AI has reproduced it using algorithmic cut-and-paste is no surprise or great achievement; it was simply the inevitable end-result once the computing power had advanced far enough.

I've been both a programmer and an artist. I've had the privilege of bearing witness to artists far, far more talented than I who have produced works one would swear are photographs, but are actually pencil and charcoal hand drawings. All of this "AI" shit (quotes because it isn't real AI; it's not self-aware, it's not conscious) comes as no surprise. The surprise is people continuing to slip further and further into the matrix, substituting a virtual reality for real reality.

If you aren't experiencing it first-hand with your own senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, then all of it is suspect. Unplug and start interacting with the real world lest you fall prey to the smoke and mirrors of those seeking to manipulate you through your own suspension of disbelief. Experience the real world, not the substitute hucksters, grifters, and con-artists are trying to sell you.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

well said. i have said this much as myself, and in this mgtow space it's becoming more and more prevalent that it's this future we have to look up to and i keep seeing more men embracing it. it actually reminds me of an episode of futurama where Fry meets a robot that looks like an actress that he had the hots for back in his time, well long story short, he ends up in love with this sexbot and spends the rest of his life with it, the episode in question sort of plays like an old twilight zone episode near the end where it shows where his life went and how truly pathetic it became, and guys now are being lead into that direction, but mostly because of the progression of where feminism has lead women of this generation has lead men to stay away from women, when TFM said we need to take women's rights away, he said out of desperation because we are effectively putting ourselves out of existence, but the problem is men are outnumbered by the cucks and the mangina's the men who will fall on the sword for the very same women who give no shits for them, to many men will take whatever offer they can get and not resist, so as an alternative option for love and sex, men are going into the sexbot direction effectively going right into the hands of the elite's plans to reduce the worlds population. it's working very well for them.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

so i understand the reality very well. and it sounds very much like we will either collapse as a society or we will be slaves to the system who runs our lives via the one world government. system that is currently being set in place now.

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Toki 1 year ago

Oh look it's all mostly blondes, one burnette Caucasian, and one Asian. Exactly what sells.
The problem is they look too real to me which isn't good because real women. Their smiles are more genuine though. These simps need Honey Select. Then you can be the AI model creator. Then she moves and talks instead of being a still image. While you don't have to pay for anything so there's taxation unlike OF.
What will make me laugh is when these AI OF characters receive names and free leak sites start making categories for them.
No matter what happens I just hope some real women lose the ability to hustle some men online because they get replaced by AI-generated women of any kind.
There's also an AI Vtuber now. Think of a Vtuber who doesn't gloat over herself and make her audience revolve around her existence. Or make up sob stories about disabilities to get more donations. As if anyone cares about you the viewer and your health/life expenses. Stop this celeb culture worhship already.

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He's deleted the youtube vid.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

it will probably show up on his rumble in a few hours, or however long it takes to upload shit to that site.

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@KEEPER: Been looking for it... no luck yet...

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: well that sucks. he eventually uploads his full streams, i just don't know his upload schedule.

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@KEEPER: I stab my Dorito salza jar with a bayonette - to break the vacuum lock seal on it.. Every man ought to know this technique. Like why wrestle with a jar lid, when you can stab it.

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