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A Thoughtful Discourse - See pinned comment - Re Micah.

Published on 02 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Wilson Tucker
The Year of the Quiet Sun

The kind of prophet these people want
Is a windbag and a liar,
Prophesying a future of wine and spirits.

- The Book of Micah

[ Micah 2:11 If a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of wine and of strong drink; he shall even be the prophet of this people. ]

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A basic bit of maths to convey the general idea, not to be totally accurate.

OK I can make 1 cup of decent coffee for about 30c (Australian)
2 cups a day x 5 days a week, x 50 weeks a year:
60c x 5 x 50 = $150 a year.

Or I can buy it for $5 a cup at the truck stops and cafes.

Same Maths.
2 cups a day x 5 days a week, x 50 weeks a year:
$10 x 5 x 50 = $2500 a year.

All the small "get off your arse and make a difference" type events - make for astronomically efficient use of your resources.

And to make this astronomically WORSE.... IN Australia a Hamburger with the Lot is a national health food. A really good one IS a decent healthy feed.

Anything McDonalds makes is NOT included in the subject of food, because it is not.

OK say a REALLY good hamburger with the lot is $16 - fresh and hot at the truck stop or Cafe....

2 of those a day = $32 x 5 days a week = $160 x 50 weeks = $8,000

$2,500 + $8,000 = $10,500.

I can cook a really great meal (big, filling and nutritional) for ~$3.50 including coffee.
$7 a day x 5 days = $35 x 50 weeks = $1750 - that is for a whole year.

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I am actually a member.


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