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A Rabbi tells you why......

Published on 31 Aug 2023 / In Entertainment

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WMHarrison94 11 months ago

Uhm, NAZIs were socialists, so Communist light. National Workers Socialist Party, the A is for Germany in German, Allemande if I am not mistaken, the Z for socialist, Zocialism, N for Nacional... whatever. Hitler was a Leftist: The Jew World Order lied later years in American that he was a Rightist.

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sbseed 11 months ago

not to mention the lie of the "muh 6 million jews" bullshit...
there where not 6 million jews on the entirety of the planet at the time, let alone the space for that many bodies or that amount of ash...

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WMHarrison94 11 months ago

I think it was more. I visited the Black Arch or gate in Germany, a Roman Trumph Arc and one of his "walk in ovens." We now know some "Swiss" gold had mercury in it. Mercury was used to dissolved gold to be used as fillings in tooth decay. That "gold" came from Jews and other like the Gypsies, ironically the true "Germans" historically. So, there's that.

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bigintol03 11 months ago

100% spot-on!

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